Grow your Musicality repertoire and confidence with the gang from all over the planet!

Join at anytime
For whom?

For improvers
who feel limited or insecure dancing solo

For lazy asses
who need a kick in the ass to keep training

For salsa addicts
who look for more inspiration and moves for their solo

For shy souls
who want to let the inner musical beast out
How does it work?
- Every week you get a short musical snippet or a musicality exercise with explanations from me
- Record your video and upload it on the platform
- Earn achievements and win prizes for the tasks you do!
- Keep your training diary and read other’s

What do you get?

- Broken down exercises for the 18 crucial Musical skills
- Carefully chosen snippets to train your musicality
- Regular training – you get a short exercise once a week
- Make friends and grow together with the dancers from all over the world
- Access to the Marathons and special conditions for Svetlana’s projects
- Pick up tones of new moves
- Become confident and creative in your solo
- Train crucial salsa skills
- Share amazing energy and motivation

You will not learn any choreos
There are no live lessons
All the tasks are short and pre-recorded
What else do you get:

Every month you’ll get the access to one of the legendary salsa marathons
- Musicality
- FootRock
- Showing The Music
- ArmWork
- Spin Technique
To work on your basics and structure all the knowledge in your head
Any kinds of dance videos are allowed – you can record your feet, yourself from the back or however makes you feel comfortable if you’re shy!